Reformation in Zurich

Around the year 1500 the old world is on the move for change. At the same time, in the pilgrim’s center of Einsiedeln, a critical minded priest is working there: Ulrich (Huldrych) Zwingli (1484-1531). In 1519 he is called to Zurich. For starters, he preaches a brilliant sermon  in the language oft he people. Like Luther, he demands an honest return to the pure fountains of faith. Zurichs rising economic and political elite, striving for self-determination, support him. On this tour, by following the hotspots of Zurich‘s Reformation,  we’re  trying  to find out the characteristics of this religious and aswell social revolution, 500 years ago. Group size: 2-20. Tour prize 2.5hrs: CHF 280.00


mobile: +41(0)79 745 8614

Reformation in Zurich

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