Zurich Wiedikon

Wiedikon, „vviendinc hova“, like it was called in alemannic times around 889, became 1893 Zurich‘s district number 3. 200 years ago, it was a lonely, independent farmers village. It was the place, where workers digged out the loam from the ground of the mines. The brickearth was loaded on track-lorries, and brought to the ovens oft he Zürcher Ziegeleien, to be burned to tubes, bricks and brickstones of all kind. Also important was the paper industry, Sihl Papier, the Jewish ready-made clothier’s like eg. J.Weil & Co. at the Eichstrasse. Wiedikon’s first railway station was bilt in 1875 on the line oft the left side border of lake of Zurich. Since the ending 19th centenary, Wiedikon’s number of residentials exploded: 1870 2848 – 1896 15‘000 – 2015 48‘000 people.

Group sizes: 2-20. Price CHF 250.00

Mail: schoch@zuerich-tourguide.ch

Mobile : +41(0)79 745 8614

Zurich Wiedikon

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